Since 2014 “Antal” company has been successfully cooperating with French group company Axter-Coletanche, which is the leader in supplies of materials and design of hydraulic structures, such as tailing damps, storage ponds, etc.
Projecting-consulting firm “AntAl” jointly with French company Axter-Coletanche performs hydraulic design (HD), including: platforms for heap leaching with full technological cycle of metal extraction; tailing damps for dressing and leach plants, water reservoirs, industrial and domestic wastes storages, storages of highly toxic and radioactive wastes with the use of bitumen compound COLETANCHE geomembrane.
Specialists of “AntAl” and Axter-Coletanche can develop HD project for you, help to correctly choose and deliver the required type of COLETANCHE geomembrane on the construction site, provide services on hydraulic design and geomembrane cutting on the stage of its manufacturing, as well as implement author supervision and control over laying and welding of geomembrane.
When using the bitumen compound COLETANCHE geomembrane, investment expenses for construction of hydraulic facilities are essentially (1.5 – 2 times) decreasing (in spite of the fact that the primary price of COLETANCHE geomembrane is somewhat higher than the price of famous polyethylene geomembranes).
Geomembrane has European quality and European guarantee of environmental safety. Bitumen COLETANCHE geomembrane is manufactured in France at the industrial enterprise of Axter-Coletanche company using advanced European technologies with ensured and guaranteed quality. Production quality is controlled by ISO9001, 9014 regulations and quality control company ASQUAL
Геомембрана обладает европейским качеством и европейской гарантией экологической безопасности. Битумная геомембрана COLETANCHE производится во Франции на производственном предприятии компании Axter-Coletanche по новейшим европейским технологиям с обеспеченным и гарантированным качеством. Качество производства контролируется нормами ISO9001, 9014 и компанией контроля качества ASQUAL.
Key benefits of COLETANCHE geomembrane use: